
File and Email Archival

Effective file and email archival has become a critical need for public- and private-sector organizations. Because organizations rely on email as a primary form of communication, email systems often serve as a repository for company records. Increasing volumes of file-based data also contain vast amounts of business-critical information.

The unchecked growth of this unstructured data creates headaches for IT. It consumes vast amounts of storage capacity and must be retained for long periods of time. IT departments struggling to simply keep up with data storage growth are ill-equipped to effectively manage email and file-based data.

This problem can quickly become a nightmare in the face of legal and regulatory challenges. Organizations must comply with a wide range of regulatory requirements and respond quickly to subpoenas or electronic discovery requests in litigation. Government agencies must also comply with the Freedom of Information Act and state sunshine laws. If email and file-based data are not archived properly, organizations face the prospect of manually searching terabytes or even petabytes of data to retrieve specific emails or files.

Archival systems automate an organization’s records retention policies. Information is captured and indexed in a single location so that it can be quickly located and collected and disposed of when no longer needed. Archival solutions work in concert with e-discovery tools to facilitate the retrieval of information for legal and regulatory requirements. These solutions reduce the costs and risks associated with unmanaged emails and file-based data.

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